Melekiola Family

This was the first real environment our son could develop much needed and desired social skills. He felt safe, grew self confidence, independence, friendships, and engaged in everyday fun. Watching from afar how well he was functioning in a happy, loving, and creative environment continues to have a lasting impact despite the school being forced to close. Till this day, everyday, our son will ask about his teachers and friends and tell us he’s “sad and misses it, wants to go back”. Just passing by the school causes so much sadness and confusion, it’s heartbreaking.

Having our son attend Kalamapi’i meant that the search for childcare was finally over for our family. Since he was born we’ve become a single income household, (relying on state assistance programs) waitlists and inadequate childcare was endless in Hilo. Immediately I felt Kalamapi’i was the place for our son and family when visiting the campus and speaking to the teachers. Besides the financial strain lack of childcare created, developing much needed skills for kindergarten (outside of mommy and daddy) is something we really value.

There has been nothing but positive interactions that made me feel fully confident staffs abilities. I always believe families know whats best for their child and despite Kalamapi’i being forced to close I would send my son there in a heartbeat. My fondest memory was seeing my son being comforted and feelings acknowledged during the start of school when saying goodbye to parents is hard and new. After leaving I watched as the teacher pulled him to the side, got on his level, comforted, listened, and talked through his big feelings. I am so thankful for people like that. These types of positive interactions was something I witnessed regularly.

I know the stress this has caused as a parent and for my child but I can’t begin to imagine what this was like for the staff. This school and others like it need to happen for the betterment of our keiki and community. My hope is for Kalamapi’i to open doors asap. Lack of childcare in Hilo let alone Hawai’i isn’t a new issue so all I can hope is that good can come from this maddening experience.